Titanium Passivation

Passivation for Cleaning & Descaling Titanium

Titanium PassivationFor high-caliber titanium passivation services, RP Abrasives is here for you. Our proprietary process removes any free irons that may have been deposited during processing, thus preventing the possibility of contamination that could lead to corrosion. To passivate titanium, we’ll wash, rinse, and soak the part in a citric acid-based solution. Citric acid concentrates on only removing free irons leaving the titanium undisturbed.

  • Passivating from small batches to larger parts
  • Passivation with deionized water and citric acid
  • Cleaning of passivated pieces

At RP Abrasives, we passivate according to ASTM A-967-05.7 (7.1.1 thru We rinse per A-967-05.15 practice B standards. All of our parts are cleaned or descaled to ASTM spec A-380-06. 5.3, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.2.8, 6.2.11.

Our passivation process is RoHS & RoHS2 compliant.

Request a Titanium Passivation Quote from RP Abrasives

To learn more about our industry-leading passivation services, call us at (603) 335-2132 or contact us for a free quote! Though we’re based in New Hampshire, we provide services throughout Massachusetts (MA), Maine (ME), Vermont (VT), Connecticut (CT), Rhode Island (RI), New York (NY), and nationally.